Compare Cheap Flights from Philadelphia to Boston
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Round Trip Flights from Philadelphia to Boston
Last updated on Saturday 02/01/2025 at 05:00 AM, the fares mentioned above are for flight tickets and inclusive of fuel surcharges, service fee and taxes. Based on historical data, these fares are subject to change without prior notice and cannot be guaranteed at the time of booking. Kindly go through our terms and conditions before booking.
Book Philadelphia To Boston Flights
Having a continental climate with some ocean effects, Boston is situated in Massachusetts Bay, United States of America. This city is famous for its history, numerous beaches, museums, sports, and world-famous attractions. The neighborhood of this city offers a unique story, culture, and character with places including, Becan Hill, North End, Chinatown, South End, Roslindale, Allston, etc. Visit the Harvard Museum of Natural History, The Freedom Trail (2.5-mile red line leading to 16 historical sites), Old North Church, and New England Aquarium, and experience the diverse culture of the city consisting of White, African American, Asian, and Hispanic. To learn about the history of art and culture of Boston, you can visit these places including, the Museum of Fine Arts, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston Opera House, Modern Theatre, Paramount Centre, Newbury Street, etc. To experience nightlife, entertainment, and diverse cuisines you can visit King’s Dining & Entertainment, The Black Rose, Yvonne’s, Club Café, Boylston Street, etc.
Boston is a famous city for travelers from Philadelphia. This city receives tourists from all over the world throughout the year, however, July to August are the peak months with perfect weather conditions for travelers making it crowded at that time. The low season starts from December to March when the weather conditions are extreme. This time of the year the prices of hotels and airfares are low, therefore compare and book cheap flights to Boston from Philadelphia with Packedbag now. Philadelphia to Boston flights operate from Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) which connects to Boston Logan International Airport (BOS). Frontier, American, JetBlue, United, and Delta, are the top airlines serving this PHL and BOS route offering seamless connectivity to the passengers.
For more information regarding flights from Philadelphia to Boston, you can contact our customer service team by phone or email. We are available 24/7 to assist you regarding cheap airfares, ongoing deals, and flight booking.
Finding Cheap Flights From Philadelphia To Boston : Frequently Asked Questions
How much are round-trip flights from Philadelphia to Boston?
Average cost of a round-trip flight from Philadelphia to Boston is around $260.
Which upcoming date is cheapest to fly from Philadelphia to Boston?
In the next 90 days, flights from Philadelphia to Boston on will be the cheapest on February 16, 2025, February 13, 2025, and February 17, 2025.
What?s the cheapest day of the week to fly from Philadelphia to Boston?
On an average, flights from Philadelphia to Boston tend to be cheapest on Wednesday.
Which airlines offers the cheapest fares from Philadelphia to Boston?
At the moment, FRONTIER AIRLINES and SPIRIT AIRLINES offer the cheapest flights from Philadelphia to Boston.
When is the peak season for traveling from Philadelphia to Boston?
February to April is the peak season to travel from Philadelphia to Boston.
When does the first flight depart from Philadelphia to Boston?
The first flight from Philadelphia to Boston departs at 06:00 AM.
When does the last flight from Philadelphia to Boston depart?
The last flight from Philadelphia to Boston departs at 06:55 AM.
Cheapest Months to fly to Boston
The cheapest months to visit Boston are from February through April.
* The mentioned flight facts are based on the last 3 months' data. Information regarding the highest and lowest booking months is based on the last 12 months' data.
Major Carriers Operating Flights From Philadelphia To Boston
Low Cost Carriers Operating Flights From Philadelphia To Boston
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