Compare Cheap Flights from Boston to Nashville
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Round Trip Flights from Boston to Nashville
Last updated on Thursday 02/27/2025 at 05:00 AM, the fares mentioned above are for flight tickets and inclusive of fuel surcharges, service fee and taxes. Based on historical data, these fares are subject to change without prior notice and cannot be guaranteed at the time of booking. Kindly go through our terms and conditions before booking.
Book Boston To Nashville Flights
The capital of Tennessee, Nashville, is a city that has evolved as the capital of country music. Today, the city holds an expert in genres like bluegrass, rock, blues, and indie rock. You can learn more about the musical journey of Nashville at the Country Music Hall of Fame, Grand Ole Opry, and Music Row.
When it comes to a vacation, Nashville is considered to be one of the best cities to visit in the country. The neighborhoods here are hubs to dine in, shop, and indulge in enthralling activities such as museum tours, Nashville bus tours, and more. Downtown Nashville is known for the best bars and restaurants hosting live music. To try the best pancake, you can visit Hillsboro Village. For dining at chic restaurants or staying in a luxury hotel, 12 South is the perfect place. No matter where you choose to stay or explore, make sure you explore some of the must-visit attractions in Nashville. The Arrington Vineyards, Belle Meade Historic Site, Nashville Parthenon, and Lane Motor Museum are a few to name. To book cheap flights from Boston to Nashville, you can plan your visit for March and November to December. The air distance between these two destinations is approximately 943 miles, which means an average BOS to BNA flight will take 2 hours and 19 minutes. United, American, Southwest, and Delta are among the top airlines flying from Boston Logan International Airport (BOS) to Nashville International Airport (BNA). Call us for more information regarding deals and offers on airline tickets from Boston to Nashville. We are available 24/7 to assist with flight booking.
Finding Cheap Flights From Boston To Nashville : Frequently Asked Questions
How much are round-trip flights from Boston to Nashville?
Average cost of a round-trip flight from Boston to Nashville is around $315.
Which upcoming date is cheapest to fly from Boston to Nashville?
In the next 90 days, flights from Boston to Nashville on will be the cheapest on April 23, 2025, May 14, 2025, and March 26, 2025.
What?s the cheapest day of the week to fly from Boston to Nashville?
On an average, flights from Boston to Nashville tend to be cheapest on Wednesday.
Which airlines offers the cheapest fares from Boston to Nashville?
At the moment, SPIRIT AIRLINES and ALASKA AIRLINES offer the cheapest flights from Boston to Nashville.
When is the peak season for traveling from Boston to Nashville?
March to May is the peak season to travel from Boston to Nashville.
Cheapest Months to fly to Nashville
The cheapest months to visit Nashville are from April through June.
* The mentioned flight facts are based on the last 3 months' data. Information regarding the highest and lowest booking months is based on the last 12 months' data.
Major Carriers Operating Flights From Boston To Nashville
Low Cost Carriers Operating Flights From Boston To Nashville
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